Wednesday, April 15, 2009


The game for tonight has been postponed without a makeup date scheduled yet.

In response to Kev's comment on my last post, I'm gonna take some of his advice.

I'm sure most of you have been thinking a lot about Harry over the past few days, so I would encourage you to share some of your thoughts by commenting on this post. Kev suggested giving your favorite call from Harry. That works, or whatever you want to do.

For me personally, I don't remember specific calls all that well. My favorite memory, though, has to be from back in 2002 when Harry was honored before a game for being inducted into the Hall of Fame. I went to that game with I think about 14 or 15 other people, including Kevin Weikel himself, the biggest Harry Kalas fan I've ever met. It was very special to be there and especially to share that with Kev. I still have the bobblehead to prove that I was there!
And obviously, I loved any time Harry said, "Chase Utley you are the man!"


  1. That's the best bobblehead ever! What a great day!

    I personally enjoyed anytime he used the word carom. As in, "swing and a routine ground ball to Reyes...AND THE BALL CAROM'S OFF HIS GLOVE INTO RIGHT FIIEEIELD!!! Maybe I'm the only one to pick up on that, and I have no idea if I spelled the word right, but I loved it.

  2. After we became world champions and Cam and I could finally let go of the fat short security guard, we all went down to the Hall of Fame Club, my dad Mr. Koehler and Cam all got beers (I think?)and I made my attempt to steal a huge banner before I was run down by a 300lb man. Anywhoo a little later we all got split up but my Dad and I were just watching everything happen and then Harry came on the mic and I knew he was gonna sing high hopes. It was awesome and I was so excited that for the first time in my life I got to physically be there to sing it with him. I must admit that he def doesn't sing it word for word and kinda makes up his own lyrics but he is Harry freaking Kalas he can do whatever he wants and it doesn't matter because as long as he's got the chorus then that's all that matters. But it was awesome because everyone that was still in the stadium was singing it and just awesome. He was by far one of my favorite parts about the Phillies and I'm def gonna miss him but hopefully at my next phillies game (may2) we sing high hopes instead of take me out of the ball game. Thanks Harry for being in every Phillies game my entire life (except playoffs but I muted Joe Buck anyways)
