Monday, April 6, 2009

Oh yeah, one more thing

One of my goals this season is to turn my roommate Tony (who will from now on be referred to simply as "Cheese") into a true Phillies fan. A big step will hopefully be him reading this. I will be watching the Phillies every night as well, so hopefully he will be unable to avoid the grip of the Fightin's. He's not trying to resist or anything, but it's not always easy trying to turn someone into a fan. Step one:
You can't not love the Phillies after that.
I will keep everyone updated periodically on Cheese's fandom and any milestones we reach.


  1. There's no question about it. Making Cheese a world class fan of the Fightin's is a grand task. Best of luck to you, also, thanks for doing this.

  2. Can I just say first of all that I already consider myself a fan of the Phils... I am just a slacker.

    Obviously I have read this blog and shall continue to due so. In fact, I am on the john right now, and will be sure to revisit this site every time I take my computer along to the thrown.

  3. So I don't know this 'Cheese' fellow, but I'm pretty sure that there is no such thing as a slacker in the world of Phils fans.

    The Fightins are known to have amazing 2-out rallies, obnoxious strings of pitching changes, 8th and 9th innings comebacks, and a whole lot of Charlie Manuel. That can be a lot to handle, and that is why if you're going to be a Phils fan you need to be dedicated. You should love waking up in the morning and hearing about the lineup changes and record breaking that happens in the Phils Clubhouse.

    Now like I said, I don't know the 'Cheese' himself, but if you are a friend of Cameron's you must be a pretty cool guy already. That can only mean good things can come from this changing process, you must have potential.

    Good Luck Cameron. Love the blog idea. Unprecedented.

  4. This is so cool, Cam! I sometimes check out (a different, much less awesome phillies blog), but I don't know anyone on there...this is much better!

    I don't know cheese, either, but anyone who blogs on the thrown is okay in my book.

  5. we just gota bring tony to some games this summer...sec know it


    Everyone must read this. For those of us who already live and die with this team, I'm sorry for the tears that this will bring, and for you, Cheese, I think this will show you exactly what it means to be a Phillie. Cam, I love you. Charms, you're silly. Chairbabe, 3 weeks. Steve and Kelsey, hey, you guys look nice. I think that's it. I love you all.

  7. Loving this.
    And some of us are willing to put up with worthless announcers in exchange for actually seeing the games. Virginians need nationally televised Phillies games.

  8. I don't know if I like your tone, sftballLady, whoever you may be, but you are right about one thing, I am cool...

  9. Haha.. I didn't mean to sound demanding or anything. I just have high standards you know. But i'm pretty easy going.. and my name is Kelsey.
