Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Maybe Not

So I clearly have been out of it since my return, seeing as I only posted once. In the meantime I've been to 3 games yet still have lacked any updates.

The problem is that I went so long without even seeing a Phillies game that I feel slightly detached from the team. I have yet to get back into any type of rhythm, and I feel that with such a big absense I barely know anything about the team anymore. Although I'm sure that isn't true, I am still in somewhat of a funk. I am watching the games and everything, but it just seems like something is missing.

So I am updating just to tell you that I more than likely will not be updating this very much more at all. It's something that I thoroughly enjoyed doing for the first half of the season, but I am just finding it more and more difficult now. If there is any type of serious backlash to me not updating and I feel like people really really want me to keep doing this, then I will rethink it. But for now I'm gonna say it's been fun and hopefully I'll be back for the playoffs or something. And I definitely hope to be back next season if nothing else. Thanks for your loyalty.


  1. cam, thanks for doing this. i have been away a lot over the past month so that's why I haven't posted. great job and i think it would be cool to do again over the playoffs (if they make it).

  2. Backlash. Your readers need you now more than ever. I suppose I understand your desire to stop writing about them. A month is a long time away from the team. But as we enter the home stretch, we'll miss you! I mean, who is going to complain about Chase Utley's slump and remind us to "forget the past, start hating Utley."? Who is going to remind us that, yes Thomas is as bad as he seems? Who will remind us that Sarge is LiTeRaLlY the best announcer we have AcTuAlLy? I mean, I understand your predicament. But we need you now more than ever.

    Okay, that's enough backlash. I agree with Dukes, thanks for all the posts. This has been a good part of my summer.

  3. I would be disappointed but understanding if it ended.
